Picture of a group using post-its for thinking slow - inspiring their interaction and participation for agile collaboration work

Who are these people?

In my long career, I have had the privilege of working, thinking, and looking at things alongside many different wonderful people. Over many years of consultancy, and seeking to change the World together in different ways, the people have become friends.

In developing these Adventures to share with you, I reached out to these friends for the insights and ideas that have most blessed them, or have proven the most helpful to them in their lives and careers. And many of them responded, with one or two things that they look back on as being something that made a big difference for them. So I mention their names as a thank you for their offering.

That they should single out these things in reflecting on long and industrious lives, make those things important.

We are all different people, from different backgrounds, living different lives. So these ideas will not work for everyone. But they will all work for some people (different people each time) and I suspect some of them may work for everyone.

But to be frank, having them work for you is not the point. The purpose of Leading by Adventure is about developing our skills and attitudes to adventure into new thoughts and perspectives and to appreciate them.

That they might benefit you is an added bonus.

It is the adventuring that is key: the curiosity; openness; flexibility; growth; and optimism. The ‘sense’ of adventure and expectation (whether it is fulfilled or not). These are the things that will help us to handle the rates of change that the future brings. And to do so with spirit and mental health.