Image of totem poles as a reflection of personal values

#045 – Carve your Totem – Define your values

Develop greater insight into your personal values and their role in influencing your thinking – Use modelling and metaphor to explore what is important to you

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The benefits of defining your values

Why take this challenge?

Gain greater influence over the shape of things around you

Increase the fulfilment and satisfaction from your work

Better align ‘being’ and ‘doing’ – your identity and your actions


Graphic image reflecting different pathways to take the adventure

Values are described as: principles or standards of behaviour; one’s judgement of what is important in life.

Unfortunately, most people’s experience of them is as a list of ‘nice to have’ corporate platitudes, framed and hung on a wall. Things to aspire to as long as they do not get in the ways of profit and performance.

But how do we actually value something? What is it that actually gives that something ‘value’? I would argue that we only really ‘value’ something if we are willing to sacrifice other things we value in order to attain or preserve it – time, money, position, reputation, …. If we can work out what we will sacrifice things for, we can identify what it is we really value. It could be a long list.

But what tops that list? Identifying our most important values can help guide us in making good choices and reinforcing a sense of integrity in ourselves.

This week’s adventure is all about identifying your values, and drafting a visual reflection of them in the form of a totem pole.


Graphic image reflecting the idea of a Pack of resources to support the adventurer in the challenge

You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop

To catch up on past adventures you may have missed, feel free to browse our Adventures Library


Graphic image suggesting the idea of posting a record of the adventurer's journey

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