Image of compass in glass orb - metaphor for setting direction

#046 – Compass Headings – Setting your Direction

Clarify the difference you want to make in this world – Build on the totem exercise to translate hope into action

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The benefits of setting direction and goals

Why take this challenge?

Translate your values into clear goals, direction and statements of intent

Align your impact and influence with the difference you want to be in the World

Create a direction that makes you proud in what you achieve


Graphic image reflecting different pathways to take the adventure

In last week’s adventure – Carve your Totem – we looked at values, and what is most important to you. We talked about what it means to value, and the role of sacrifice therein.

In this week’s adventure we will be building on this. We will be working to identify the direction you want to take, and the difference you want to make in respect of your values. The mark you want to leave on this World.

It seems appropriate to include this just before the end of this series of adventures.


Graphic image reflecting the idea of a Pack of resources to support the adventurer in the challenge

You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop

  • Forcefield Analysis helps map the influences on you in successfully delivering your values.
  • Why How Charting enables you to better see the connections between your values and your goals.
  • Strategic engagement matrix enables you to systematically and strategically support your values through your ways of working.
  • Threshold of Pride helps you to identify the best level of achievement (for you) in all of this.

To catch up on past adventures you may have missed, feel free to browse our Adventures Library


Graphic image suggesting the idea of posting a record of the adventurer's journey

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