Glass orb image of doodling to access intuition

#001 – Doodle Your Adventure

(Re)Discover the practice of doodling; Engage more of your body in thinking and learning; Generate glimpses into the wisdom and insight of your subconscious

Why take this challenge?

To strengthen the connection between our heart and our imagination and see what emerges for us.

To practice doodling as a means of subconscious expression.

Our own ‘art’ no matter how poorly rendered, has the ability to connect us with things our rational mind suppresses. The purpose of this exercise is to challenge ourselves to step off the rational path (just for a moment) and look through the mists at things hidden in the background.


We are going to ‘practice’ some doodling. Contrary to what you may have been told in the past, doodling can be a productive way of paying attention. At a minimum, it is a way of remaining engaged in situations where you might otherwise ‘zone out’ from the content. But it is also a way of engaging more of your brain in what is going on – as described in Sunni Brown’s TED talk. It can tap into aspects of the unconscious mind in the form of metaphor or creative expression.


You may find the following TED Talks helpful to listen to as you develop your doodling practice

Nippun Mehta on open heartedness
Chris Bailey on focus
David Brooks on eulogy
Daniel Goleman on compassion
Shawn Achor on better work


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