How do online whiteboards enable us to curate richer deeper documentation through insight landscaping?
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Living canvasses that maximise insight and understanding

Consequently, our discussions with others will increasingly migrate from the tangible to the intangible. From numbers to values; specifications to user experience; tasks to meaningful impact; transactions to aspirations.
In other words, our monthly dialogue will be less about the electronic numbers, and more about the neural influences that drive them to improve.
seeing more creative and insightful connections

Insight landscaping enables us to better see connection with our shared purpose
But as complexity and connection grow, the reporting and communication methods that served a more numeric, rational, predictable business world are in danger of failing us. Isolated reports, in separate documents, held together only by file structures, will place more and more onus on holding all of the connections in our heads.
bringing it all together for everyone

To illustrate this, ask people coming out of a meeting how much they remember about the meeting before that one. And the biggest casualty of this issue is our connection with purpose.
Maintaining the big picture
As Einstein put it “Perfection of means and confusion of goals characterise our age.” As the information they connect with delves more and more into isolated detail, people tend to lose sight of the overall picture. We focus on the ‘what’ and forget the ‘why’, and as a result we become disconnected from the purpose and meaning that should guide our thinking.
pictures, and stories, and flow

To utilise this phenomenon, we have been working with a global software company and some large international consultancies to develop Insight Landscaping of their partnerships. Online whiteboards support giant graphical backgrounds that hold all that is important in context with each other. Linking everything back to the potential that their partnership has for making a real difference. For delivering something that makes them proud.
insight landscapes hold different aspects of meaning together

The value of this at the CEO level is obvious. But it also has value for everyone else to see how their work fits in and links together. It enables people at all levels to immediately see how their context might be changing, and the opportunities that provides. It also means that when things shift, as they do, it is easier to find new pathways back to ensuring the purpose.
a shared brain with a shared purpose

As Jake Knapp puts it in his book ‘Sprint’: As humans our short term memory is not all that good but our spatial memory is awesome. The sprint room plastered with notes diagrams print outs, and more, takes advantage of that spatial memory. The room itself becomes a sort of shared brain for the team.
Getting the best out of online whiteboards
Currently we find that people tend to use online whiteboards expediently, in the moment, and then dispose of them. But if we have a longer term perspective of their power and potential, we can invest more thinking into how we can design them to have greater and more sustainable impact on insight, creativity, collaboration and strategy engagement.

Exploring landscaping further
Insight Landscaping engages the heart

To explore this topic further, feel free to contact us. We find our own thinking is continually sharpened and enriched by the questions people ask, and by the discussions that emerge from it.
If it is of interest, the use of Insight Landscaping for the spiritual retreat has been written up here.