
Glass orb reflecting a picture of Earth with sunrise behind it - representing a metaphor for worldview

How the world works – Exploring worldviews

Are our worldviews holding us back, individually and corporately, from making the world a better place? – – – – – – – – – ...
Unlocking the Hidden Value in Challenges: Developing Performance and Potential

Unlocking the Hidden Value in Challenges: Developing Performance and Potential

Are you missing out on half the potential value of tackling your most difficult challenges? Surprisingly, many organizations are! And the reason for this is ...
Person facilitating at a flipchart

Meeting manifesto: What to expect from a facilitated meeting

If you have been invited to a facilitated meeting which includes a link to this page, this is what you can expect – – – ...
Unleashing Intuition through situational self-leadership

The Adventurer’s Guide to Unleashing Intuition

Introduction: In an era defined by rapid change and complex challenges, the ability to blend rational analysis with intuitive insight is more crucial than ever ...
Leading by Adventure - Glass orb containing Rubin's galaxy

#000 – Welcome to Leading by Adventure – weekly post version

Exercise and develop the more spiritual aspects of what makes you YOU; new self-development challenges every week Why take these challenges? To encourage and support ...
Icon reflecting metaverse in seeing patterns for complex data

Driving your purpose with metaverse thinking

In metaverse* thinking, the focus is not so much on the ‘what’ as the ‘how’. Once you have the ‘how’ right, you can deliver almost ...
Image of person struggling to make themselves understood - metaphor for Accelerating change with neology

Accelerating Change with Neology – The Awesome Power of Biznaptics

Our world, and our work, is ever-increasingly about change. And the expectation for our future, like it or not, is either that we competitively adapt ...
Person facilitating at a flipchart

What is Facilitation?

Facilitation is a lot simpler than it appears, and a lot more powerful too. Furthermore it is the essential leadership practice in readying people for ...
Pawn wearing a crown - metaphor for practice zone thinking as a means to reduce performance anxiety and increase mental health

Use practice zone thinking to reduce stress & performance anxiety at work

Use Practice Zones to develop skills and insights in people ahead of when they are needed. This helps build competence and confidence ahead of taking ...
People throwing papers in the air looking happy - reflecting wellbeing leadership and mental wellbeing - courtesy alena darmel viaPexels

Wellbeing leadership – facilitate healthy supportive working environments

Wellbeing leadership uses facilitative approaches to nurture supportive relationships. These make success more likely and reduce the stress of conflict and criticism. This article is ...
Enthusiastic meeting - illustrating better meeting design Design meetings to empower mental health and reduce meeting stress

Better meeting design to empower mental health and reduce meeting stress

Well designed meetings are a vital and powerful tool for transforming the negative effects of stress into positive energy and excitement This article is part ...
Orb with eye - metaphor for encourage creative solutions to stress for better mental wellbeing at work

Encourage creative solutions to stress – creativity and mental wellbeing at work

Creative solutions to stress are more than just ideas – the very exercise of being creative can help resolve tensions and improve mental wellbeing at ...
Orb with complex equations - metaphor for structuring complexity to help maintain mental health at work

Structure complexity – use Design Thinking to improve mental health at work

Design thinking provides tools and solutions to help structure complexity and present it in a way that best utilises the human brain. This article is ...
eople holding speech bubbles as a metaphor for feedback and growth mindset as a route to mental health - rawpixel viaPXhere

Using feedback & growth mindset to sustain mental health at work

Learning cultures are key to avoiding an overload of stress as we face greater levels of change. Key to making them work is embracing failure ...
Man standing on a peak - metaphor for spirituality mental health stress resilience

Inspiration and spirituality as a means to better stress resilience at work

Mental health issues challenge who we are – they question our identity. If we can help people better access the things that make them fully ...
Picture of man leaping through air - metaphor for stress resilience - mental health at work

Stress resilience and mental wellbeing: Making stress healthy and productive

As the rate of change and complexity grows, mental health at work is in decline. We need to build stress resilience into our working practices ...
adventurer sat on a peak - icon for guest adventurers

Visioning Workshops – 5 steps to a common purpose

Visioning workshops are the most powerful and sustainable means to pull your people together into a common purpose in support of your future success. They ...
Starfield overlaid with the words 'What do we do when hope is lost' - Adventurous Visions

Adventurous Visions

How do adventurous visions provide a source of hope – engaging your people in a cause bigger than themselves? – – – – – – ...
Refining intuition - colourful head in glass orb courtesy Geralt via Pixabay

Refining Intuition – Making better, faster decisions in complex contexts

Intuition is increasingly key to making fast effective decisions. But can we rely on it? Only if we refine its accuracy with better heuristics. – ...
Icon reflecting metaverse in seeing patterns for complex data

Securing your business goals with metaverse thinking

In metaverse* thinking, the focus is not so much on the ‘what’ as the ‘how’. Once you have the ‘how’ right, you can deliver almost ...
Predicted trends for the future of business are exciting and full of hope

Predicted trends for the future of business are exciting and full of hope

A distillation of eight key themes from the many analyses of future business trends in the business press and from large consultancies – – – ...
Icon for Customer Success Management Strategies

Customer Success Management Strategies

by Dilip Popat and Mike Clargo Customer Success Management is key to ensuring your products and services are used to their fullest potential and impact ...
Busyness strategy - man looking down at watch

Which came first, the busyness? ……………….. Or the decline?

by Juergen Maier and Mike Clargo We have all gotten so busy. And it seems that, the more senior our role, the busier we are ...
Resources to Engage your People

Resources to Better Engage Your People in Change Leadership

In our article on ‘The Future of Change‘ we looked at the time dilemma facing those in leadership positions. Basically, how we need to overcome ...
Synapse network - metaphor for the future of change

The Future of Change

I suspect you have heard the idea that the future is VUCA – a military acronym coined after 9/11 for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous ...
Glass orb representing the first 50 adventures in Leading by Adventure

Leading by Adventure – Series 1

Series 1 began on 5th January 2021 and completed on 25th January 2022. It has been a rich and varied exploration from a wide range ...
Person pausing to reflect sat on a wall beside an estuary

#030a – Pause for August

Pause for August We will be taking a small breather from the weekly adventures for the month of August. An opportunity to take stock, reflect, ...
Image of woman staring at futuristic images - metaphor for leading adventure in others

Leading Adventure in Others

“The future is a different country, they do things differently there”. At some point the future will become our place of residence. But, if we ...
Picture of one person helping another on a climb - metaphor for trust

The Tyranny of Trust

Imagine yourself in the following situation … Your company has recognised the importance of trust to effective teamwork. You have been part of numerous trust ...
Picture of someone timidly stepping onto rickety bridge - metaphor for tapping intuition

Using intuition to predict the future

How can we use more of our inherent wisdom to make better decisions with a more secure outcome? – – – – – – – ...
Integrative Complexity - Mural of Donald Trump

Integrative Complexity – Or why I should listen to Donald

What should be my response to an increasingly divided society, and those who seem to be intent on dividing it further? – – – – ...
Glass orb of cornfield

Do you appreciate your blessing?

The precise numbers change with time, but in relative terms the following in pretty accurate …. “If you have food in your fridge, clothes on ...
The Station by Robert Hastings courtesy Pixabay

The Station and Marketing Disatisfaction

Gratitude is a phenomenal blessing to the person who feels that gratitude. It magnifies the appreciation and joy in the thing we feel gratitude for ...
Image of Chris Blakeley talking about accessing deeper wisdom within ourselves

Accessing deeper wisdom within ourselves

Accessing deeper wisdom within ourselves In this video, Chris Blakeley of Waverley Learning explains some of the practices involved in using more of our mind, ...
Black paint on face - metaphor for Breaking through the invisible boundaries (paradigms) that confine our potential

Fixing “That’s not me!” – video and transcript

Transcript Rumi, the 6th Century Poet and Philospher, asked: Why, in all the plenitude of God’s great universe, do you choose to fall asleep in this small, ...
Image of someone pondering the idea of adventure

Why Adventure?

3 reasons … Adventure, as a metaphor, describes the future we are all facing – the territory is unknown, wild, rapidly changing, treacherous, but with ...
Image representing a spiritual outlook across a stony beach


Probably the most helpful definition of spirituality I have encountered came from an aboriginal Australian, Adrian Tucker, who describes it in the words on the ...
Picture of hands in prayer - prayer for all faiths and none

Prayer for all faiths and none!

Why Pray? Who’s Listening? Well, yourself for one! And, frankly, that alone can make a big difference. Occasional times of prayer can do a lot for ...