Partner Strategy Engagement

Arrangement of coloured blocks reflecting strategy engagement frameworks developing agile adaptive structures in an organisational design sprintHow do you select and engage partners to better support the achievement of your vision?

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Engaging the heart and soul of partnerships

How much easier would it be to fulfil your vision with the assistance and creative ideas of the best partners? Particularly if they were acting almost as a strategic extension of your own business with the same passion and ownership?
But how do you get partner organisations to engage at that level?

joint responsibility in a shared endeavour

Padlock metaphor for constraining effects of transactional outlooks on partnerships (courtesy StevePB image)How do you get beyond the standard transactional model of customer-supplier relationships bound by a contractual mindset?
Lets face it, the product of most partner contract negotiations is not particularly ‘agile’. Unfortunately, in a fast-changing world, what is delivered is based on an understanding which is increasingly out of date. And while running adjustments are made, these tend to be commercially constrained rather than taking full creative advantage of emerging opportunities.

partnerships that empower possibility

Paper plane metaphor for empowering partner engagement through shared vision (courtesy KristopherK image)But partnerships that step beyond this are not only possible, they are immensely powerful.
Just like pulling people together within your own business, the start point is a common vision. One that inspires and excites both partners.
A meaningful impact that you can make together; A shared adventure into new and exciting possibilities that inspire the client, and step out of the competitive status quo.

Our approach to Partner Strategy Engagement

Our approach creates an holistic framework which begins with developing that shared vision, and then builds this out into a shared programme of activity wherein both organisations can focus their strengths, and harness the best of their capabilities into something greater than either could achieve alone.
Image representing facilitated partner interview - original photo by Tima MiroshnichenkoIt begins with our partnership interview process which helps both parties stretch their aspirations of what might be possible together. This opens up a wealth of unexplored common ground. Then our partnership workshops use powerful tools:
  • To bring a mutually exciting shared vision together.
  • To define the practical steps to deliver it.
  • And to energise both parties to deliver their part.

Representation of how the Strategy Engagement Matrix empowers the deployment of the shared vision into clear direction that uses the strengths of each partner

The primary tool is the Strategy Engagement Matrix, which helps each partner take ownership of how their strengths will ensure the vision is achieved.

clarity over how it all fits together

The matrix provides new insight into fresh opportunities to use the combined strengths to make a difference. And the ‘roof structure’ enables both partners to see how best to communicate between them to keep everything on track. Not central communication, but empowered autonomous dialogue between all the various parts. Keeping everything in tune, and allowing for Agile collaborations to realise new opportunities and quickly address issues.

creating a digital twin

A further advantage of Strategy Engagement Matrices is that they form a great basis for Insight Landscaping as the basis for Dynamic Partnership WorkshopsInsight Landscaping. This enables the partnership to create a living digital twin, further empowering everybody involved to guide their initiative and creativity.
This depth of insight and understanding in setting up new partnerships enables them to function better and more quickly than traditional partnering.
Furthermore, the ability to rapidly and robustly engage partners in this way enables partnership to become a part of your Agile strategy. Enabling you to quickly engage with different partners at different times on different opportunities, as your situation changes.

the power of customer partnerships

5 star review courtesy Tumisu_viaPixabayThis agile partnership model applies also to your customers. As the world changes around them, they will benefit from your creativity and insight in how your services can better enable them to rise to meet new challenges. By partnering with them in their own success, you enable both your businesses to thrive and grow.
Some software solution providers are already doing this to great effect. They have begun to create new structures of Customer Success Managers who essentially partner their client organisations in their own transformation. This concept can be extended to any situation where your ideas and expertise can impact customer success.
To explore this topic further, feel free to contact us. We find our own thinking is continually sharpened and enriched by the questions people ask. And by the discussions that emerge from it.