Pawn wearing a crown - metaphor for practice zone thinking as a means to reduce performance anxiety and increase mental health

Use practice zone thinking to reduce stress & performance anxiety at work

Use Practice Zones to develop skills and insights in people ahead of when they are needed. This helps build competence and confidence ahead of taking on new roles and challenges and reduces performance anxiety at work. This article is part of our series on stress resilience and mental health at work..
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The challenge of everything having consequences

Performance anxiety at work is perhaps the epitome of workplace stress. It occurs when we need to perform at a particular level and we are not fully confident that we can. Perhaps it is a new challenge. Maybe we talked our capabilities up in securing the opportunity to face that challenge. Or maybe we feel we may be on our ‘third strike’ – metaphorically, or literally.
Image of person feeling criticism outside the practice zones due to performance anxiety at work - courtesy GeraltWe feel a bit under the microscope of dispassionate (even unfriendly) eyes. And we cannot drop the ball. Perhaps doing so has real consequences for our career, or our job security, or our reputation and influence.
And we feel this high level of stress as a churning inside of us.

our body, our minds, and our skin are telling us they would rather be somewhere else

Some people thrive on this feeling, even at this level of stress. They know it is a precursor to their next amazing victory. And that fires and inspires them to something extraordinary.
But most people don’t, and this can have real consequences for their mental health at work.
The challenge is difficult enough on its own. But as they confront difficult odds, even their own mind seems to be turned against them. It should be giving them experience and ideas and confidence. But instead it talks to them of what will go wrong, threatens awful consequences, and berates them for their temerity.
Coming out of lockdown and sliding into recession makes the stakes even higher. The inflated promises we make to secure a job. The implications of losing it. And here, now, on our very first run, it is make or break. That is real performance anxiety at work.

The power of practice zone thinking

Sully - Miracle on the Hudson - film poster - clip about practice zonesIn the film Sully: Miracle on the Hudson, Tom Hanks plays the pilot who landed his plane, full of passengers, on the Hudson river. In a pivotal scene he is facing a board of inquiry that, for various reasons, want to prove him in the wrong. He is forced to watch two simulations where pilots fly from the point his plane is damaged, and safely land it at two nearby airports. So he asks the board how many trial runs those pilots had before the demonstration. The answer was seventeen.

we all need practice zones

The point is, we all need space to practice. Nobody can be relied on to perform at their best the first time round. We all need time and space to learn and try things out. To have time in practice zones where we can build our confidence, and experience, and our strategies in a safe environment.  And yet, for most of us, our entire working lives are spent in the performance zone, where everything we do has consequences.

The problems of a performance mindset

And the biggest consequence is what Carol Dweck refers to as a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset shies away from challenging situations. It would rather excel at something it already knows than learn something new.  And when it encounters problems, those problems are always the fault of someone or something else.
And there are two big problems with this:
  • The first is, that when you blame something else, you psychologically throw away to opportunity to find something you can do different. You concede the power to learn and to change.

blame concedes power

  • The second is, that the future of work is increasingly all about change. Continuous learning will soon be the key skill that everyone needs to thrive and survive as people and organisations.
As routine becomes more automated, AI will play an increasingly large part of our work. Every day will include new things we haven’t encountered previously. Those who approach this with a fixed mindset will become increasingly irrelevant. And those who operate solely in the Performance Zone will become increasingly stressed. Without practice zone thinking there is a real danger that we will see increasing incidences of both disengagement and issues in mental health at work.

Practice zones – environments that encourage practice

Picture of somebody practicing for hurdles - courtesy Andrea Piacquadio via PexelsTo avoid this, we need to take a good look at how our organisations, and the people within them, respond to change. And then we need to create a practice zone environment in which it is easier and less threatening for people to engage with change:
  • Foster a more realistic expectation of people. Create a tolerance, even an expectation, of mistakes. Encourage vulnerability between people by having senior people share their own experiences of going wrong. Allow people to be more honest with themselves, and with others, about their limitations. And through this inspire people to value learning over appearance.

value learning over appearance

  • Teach people about fixed and growth mindsets, and help them to be more accepting of the reality of themselves. Prepare them with an attitude of lifelong learning, and help them to define and aspire to their own vision of the next stages in their personal development.
  • Establish practice and performance zones for people. Use a proportion of your meetings and internal projects to be deliberate Practice Zones. Periods of time where everything is safe, and people can try things out. And where the outcomes can be revisited and adjusted later. Create a culture where people build real confidence to try out the new.
  • Run simulations of situations and meetings with more junior people so that they can develop skills and attitudes to equip them for their next career step. In this way, they can make their next promotion with more confidence and less risk. Expose them to aspects of their potential future roles early so that their responses can be coached years ahead of time. (And they can build even more confidence in their current role).

develop curiosity

  • Encourage ‘open’ attitudes in all conversations. Teach people to develop curious reactions rather than judgmental ones, and to prefer compassion to cynicism. In this way, we will not only make learning easier and more certain for them, we will also foster communities where people can feel more free and less stressed with their colleagues.
  • Create spaces for people to reflect and ready themselves to be the person they have the potential to be. Begin meetings with a time that allows people to centre themselves. To move past any stress from previous encounters. And to make a choice about how they want to be in this one.

reflect the truth that we are ALL learning

Let the environment reflect the truth that we are all learning in these new ways of working. Practice zones can help to remove performance anxiety at work and help people to feel comfortable in their own present. And also comfortable about changing themselves for the future. We can make humility safe, and through that create workplaces in which everyone can thrive and reach their potential, and maintain their mental health at work.
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Relevant Links:

Daily re-restructuring for agility? How adaptive structures maximise agile engagement.
Culture eats strategy for breakfast – but what sort of strategy are you feeding it?
Facilitating mental wellbeing – The power of adventure in keeping our minds fit & healthy.
Patterns of collaborative excellence – Rediscovering the lost wisdom of design.
Prescient emotional knowledge management – do you have what it takes?
Man standing on a peak - metaphor for spirituality mental health stress resilience

Inspiration and spirituality as a means to better stress resilience at work

Mental health issues challenge who we are – they question our identity. If we can help people better access the things that make them fully human, we can better equip them to have the answers they need when those questions get asked. This article is part of our series on mental health and stress resilience at work..
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‘Having spirit’ is our best defence

Stress in business is on the increase, and this is adversely affecting our mental health at work. When such levels of stress exceed our natural ability to handle them, the consequences are most commonly a decline in mental health at work. And this is usually manifest in anxiety, and depression, all too frequently at a level that means we cannot function effectively.
In the previous articles in this series, we have looked at strategies to diminish or avoid unhealthy levels of stress. This included how we organise, use creativity, work together, lead others, prepare ourselves and learn from each other to improve mental health at work. In this article on stress resilience we look at how we handle the stress that still gets through. Stress resilience is our ability to handle these levels of stress without it affecting our mental health at work.
We diminish the impact of stress when we retain a belief in ourselves and our potential – a spirit of hope, perseverance and love – and a faith that we can make a difference. Woman holding balloon - metaphor for spirituality and adventure - courtesy Tirachard Kumtanom via PexelsThese things give us arguments to keep anxiety at bay, and to lift us away from depression. In this way, they give us a resilience to cope with more stressful situations than might be possible without them.
We might term these things our ‘spirtuality‘ – as in to have ‘spirit’, or be ‘spirited’. A sense of inner resolve. A force for good. The determination to pick ourselves up and start again. They are the things we most easily lose during bouts of anxiety and depression. But they are also our best defence against those bouts, and sometimes our best chance of recovering from them.

Spirituality sets us apart

However, over recent decades, our prediliction for: the material in business; the purely rational in science; and polarity in politics and the media has led us to pay Image of money courtesy Wolfgang Eckert via Pixabayless attention to those things that cannot be explained in those terms. As a result, we have abandoned the concept of ‘spirituality’ to more superstitious perspectives. And we have lost sight of its true potential to balance materialistic and rational dominance. Sadly it is no longer a term that can easily be used without prejudice or misunderstanding.

we are not machines – so don’t think like one

But as the world grows ever-increasingly more complex and uncertain, materialism, logic, and binary arguments are insufficient to cope with the rate of change we are required to work within. As a result, their has been a realisation of how much we have allowed the balance to slip. And a resurgence of re-embracing our ‘spirit’ in things like mindfulness, diversity, emergence, authenticity, vulnerability and trust.

Business is reawakening to spirituality

Image of creative curious right brainAll of a sudden things like hope, love, loyalty, character, centredness, integrity, trust are back on the business agenda. And we are just about reaching the point where we can re-appropriate the term ‘spirituality’ to mean something which reflects the impact and potential of all of those things. Which is just as well, because if we were to attempt to tackle what is coming without them, we would all have serious mental health issues. Spirit is key to stress resilience at work.

spirituality is key to tackling the challenges we face

So, in terms of mental health at work, how can we use this opportunity to help people to access and develop these things, and to better protect them from mental illness?
    1. Firstly, talk about it. Gradually rebuild their vocabulary to enable them to gain a better grasp of their spiritual side, and its importance to them in building stress resilience at work. Launch discussions on topics like: authenticity; vulnerability; mindfulness; diversity; creativity; story-telling; personal narrative; trust; spirit … And build their insight, their understanding, and their ability to articulate their feelings in this area. Most of all, bring it back centre stage so they know this is normal. They do not need to suppress it.

creativity is a spiritual act

  1. Secondly, introduce and build the role of creativity in your meetings. Creativity is a very spiritual act. Whether you express it in influencing images, writing, concepts or patterns of activity. Creativity changes our relationship with the way the world is and might be. It is about moving beyond the confines of our situation and tapping into things we do not fully understand. In doing so, it reshapes the world around us. And the joy that we feel in our spirit when that happens is a spiritual reaction to what we are doing – a connectedness with something bigger and more enduring than our physical selves.
  2. Thirdly, equip yourself and your people with a mindset of ‘adventure’. Adventure creates stress resilience at work by providing a valid alternative to a victim mindset in response to change.

Develop a mindset of adventure

To clarify a mindset of adventure, I would like to contrast the example of two people working in the same role facing identical circumstances. Their workload is higher than they can reasonably cope with. Things go wrong from time to time. They inevitably get complaints and encounter blame. Head office has blocked further recruitment and introduced a brand new system. And there is new initiative starting to look at changing the process, again.
  • As a result, Jeb feels that: he is stuck; and suffering the consequences of bad decisions made elsewhere; the blame is unfair; mistakes are inevitable given the set up; nobody listens; his team-mates let him down; he wants to avoid the initiative; if his performance drops further he will be fired;  and he just wants to make it through each day – all of which is totally true!
  • While Aja: choses to stay; wants to learn from how she responds to the challenge; is curious to find how bad decisions might be reversed; empathises with the blame and with her team mates; wonders about options for self-help; sees the initiative as a way to fix mistakes; and to learn new skills; believes listening starts with her; knows they won’t fire her – and if they did, that will be a new experience; sees each day as a new opportunity.

it isn’t what happens to you, it is what you make of what happens to you

Even though everything else is equal, Aja’s level of stress resilience is obvious in her perspective. She is clearly getting far more out of her day than Jeb. It also means that she is far less likely to suffer stress and depression. And the only difference is her spirit – her sense of adventure.
As time goes on, and all other things remain equal, Jeb will infuence and attract more Jebs. Aja will influence and attract more Ajas. And hopefully they will make her team leader because then maybe she can help the Jebs develop a sense of adventure and stress resilience too.

the future is an adventure, or a disaster – you choose – you literally choose!

The reality is that Jeb and Aja’s context is going to be a common consequence of the changing future of work. Increasing uncertainty and complexity will generate extra work, confusion, tensions and mistakes. It will also generate opportunity, new experiences and connections, learning, and insight. But if we are to equip our people to not only survive but thrive in this new world, we are going to have to help them engage with a mindset that emphasises the latter.

Leading by adventure

Waiting for someone to experience mental health issues is too late. For those who feel mentally trapped within their circumstances and their minds, the levels of change we will experience will be overwhelming. But it is easier if we develop new strength way ahead of any damage ocurring. We need to take them on a journey into their imagination, their spirit, and the resources that are available to them now. We need to give them time to: appreciate new perspectives; develop new skills; and gain confidence in their spirit way ahead of the time that it is all that stands between them and a deep dark pit.

an adventure into ourselves and our potential

To begin this journey, we ran a 50 session weekly programme called ‘Leading by Adventure’. It is a series of short weekly challenges that tap into exploring and developing different aspects of the mind. Helping people to see it as the untapped resource that it is, and lifting them to an understanding so that they can use it effectively under stress. Feel free to use this as a resource to build stress resilience and mental health at work with your people.
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Relevant Links:

Daily re-restructuring for agility? How adaptive structures maximise agile engagement.
Culture eats strategy for breakfast – but what sort of strategy are you feeding it?
Facilitating mental wellbeing – The power of adventure in keeping our minds fit & healthy.
Patterns of collaborative excellence – Rediscovering the lost wisdom of design.
Prescient emotional knowledge management – do you have what it takes?