Depending on how early you are into the programme, the truth is that it may be difficult to tell.
But if you have been doing the exercises weekly for a couple of months, a good test is to go back to one of the first adventures you took, and to see if it feels different a second time around. If you find you get a better result, feel more confident, enjoy it a bit more, then this should indicate to you that it is working.
Another helpful indicator is whether you find your time-spend and your focus shifting at all. Do you spend more time thinking about this stuff than you did? Are you tending to look at resources connected with this area? Are you trying to take more account of spiritual and cultural implications in your decisions?
And you might also find clues in how people treat you. Are you finding your conversations with people are getting a bit deeper? A bit more meaningful? Do you know more about those around you than you did? Do you care about them more? Do they seem to care more about you?
But the ultimate test is: Do you feel that you are making progress on the key goal of this programme? Do you feel you are succeeding in exercising and developing the more intuitive and spiritual aspects of what makes you YOU?
If you are, then it is working.
If it is not – if you feel it is stalling, plateauing, stagnating – then now would be a good time to stop and take stock.
The conclusion would be that the combination of your current approach, and the programme as it currently is, has stopped working. This gives you one of three choices: One, find another programme; two, stop altogether; or three, change your current approach.
If you decide to take the third option, then the following may help you:
- Explain the issue to someone you trust, and see what insights and ideas they might offer you
- Imagine someone independent is looking down on you, and they are required to identify three aspects of what you do and think that are really helping you in the programme, and three aspect that are holding you back. What would they write? Can you do anything about any of those that are holding you back?
- Take a break. Stop for three months and then pick it up again and see what happens. Send yourself a ‘future me’ email – – so that you don’t drop out accidentally (it is easily done!).
- Fake it until you make it. Thing about what imaginary ‘version’ of you would do well at all of this. Imagine that you are playing that role. Immerse yourself in it entirely. And see what emerges.
- If you are brave enough, put your question into our Linkedin group, and see what ideas come back to you.