Adopt a happier perspective on your life through intentional appreciation of it; Build attitudes that bless those around you and adds a sense of joy and delight.Banner heading for Practicing Gratitude

Graphic image saying Power-Up and reflecting the intended advantage to be gained through the adventure

Why take this challenge?

Gradually increase our enjoyment and appreciation of the things we have.

Make it easier for us to form good relationships and the basis of more fulfilling friendships

Provide a platform for increasing our general happiness and contentment

Build more harmony


Graphic image reflecting different pathways to take the adventure

One of my favourite things is a Lindor Ball – a small sphere of melt in the mouth chocolate. They have a great advertising strapline: “You provide the moment, we’ll provide the bliss.” – and they do. But ONLY if I provide the moment.

To my shame, if I am distracted, I can find that I have gotten through more than are good for me, and struggle to really remember enjoying even one of them. But if I pause to focus on the moment, then just one ball is absolutely fabulous. But above all else, it makes me really appreciate how lucky I am.

It starts with chocolate, but it ends up as an overwhelming sense of gratitude for so, so much. So this week’s adventure is to replicate this for yourselves.


Graphic image reflecting the idea of a Pack of resources to support the adventurer in the challenge

You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop

To catch up on past adventures you may have missed, feel free to browse our Adventures Library


Graphic image suggesting the idea of posting a record of the adventurer's journey

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