Adventures to date …

Leading by Adventure - Glass orb containing Rubin's galaxy

#000 – Welcome to Leading by Adventure

Exercise and develop the more spiritual aspects of what makes you YOU; 50 weekly self-development challenges Why take these challenges? To encourage and support you ...
Glass orb image of doodling to access intuition

#001 – Doodle Your Adventure

(Re)Discover the practice of doodling; Engage more of your body in thinking and learning; Generate glimpses into the wisdom and insight of your subconscious Why ...
Black paint on face - metaphor for Breaking through the invisible boundaries (paradigms) that confine our potential

#002 – Fixing ‘That’s not me!’

Breaking through the invisible boundaries that confine our potential; Take a moment to experience the cathartic effect of small freedoms Why take this challenge? Helping ...
#003 - The Hand of Friendship

#003 – The Hand of Friendship

We are relational beings, and when those relationships develop we sense it touch our spirit in special ways Why take this challenge? Deliberately growing relationships ...
#004 - An old battered box

#004 – An old battered box

This week’s adventure: Choosing a side. Then choosing to step into it. If there was one piece of ‘goodness’ you wish you could pass on – ...
Picture of painted face - metaphor for making more memorable meetings

#005 – Disrupting the Camouflage

Disrupting the Camouflage; Better Embrace Diversity in your Meetings; Make your virtual meetings a visual feast Why take this challenge? To redress the effect that ...
Glass orb - people on beach - getting to know someone better through their story and through walking and listening

#006 – Walk and Listen

Walk and Listen . Get to know someone better through their own story in their own words. Don’t let Covid constrain our working practice more ...
Flamingos taking off - metaphor for the space between one situation and the next

#007 – Using the Third Space

Use small pauses between things to best ready yourself for each challenge and opportunity. Divest yourself of the debris of what’s past and put on ...
Picture of woman practicing gratitude in a field of yellow flowers

#008 – Practicing Gratitude

Adopt a happier perspective on your life through intentional appreciation of it; Build attitudes that bless those around you and adds a sense of joy ...
Empathy for a person sitting in an unusual situation on a rock in the middle of water

#009 – Not Your Usual Seat – Building Empathy

Develop insights that will help you to improve the relationships around you – help others to move past their points of ‘stuckness’ simply by asking ...
Tactile puzzles represented by a matchbox

#010 – Now for something completely different …

Tactile physical puzzles can provide helpful respite from Zoom fatigue. Give yourself a short break from the screen – try something manual Please help us ...
Picture of gazing at a mountain as a metaphor for acceptance

#011 – It is what it is

Recognise and appreciate what you can and cannot change – Conserve your emotional and spiritual energy for the things that you can do something about ...
Empathy for a person sitting in an unusual situation on a rock in the middle of water

#012 – Hello Old Friend

Explore simple ways to make your meetings more collaborative and engaging – Bring back the humble flipchart to your remote meetings Please help us to ...
Writing paper plane in a open sky as a metaphor for where words can transport you - verbal voyages

#013 – Verbal Voyages

Only say ‘Yes, and …’ and see what new perspectives await you – Give your curiosity a serious workout today! Please help us to get ...
Discovering diversity - picture of a woman seeing herself in a range of images of people from different cultures

#014 – Discovering Diversity

Investigate & celebrate the diversity that is around you – Invite your people to introduce more of themselves: their richness, their uniqueness, & their journey ...
Glass orb of Girl offering paintbrush and palette - metaphor for facilitating adventure in others

#015 – Facilitating Adventure in Others

Building confidence in our ‘voice’ and the ‘voices’ around us – Using structure to draw out insight and self-discovery in people Please help us to ...
Picture metaphor for taking a strategic context (via SWOT)

#016 – Developing a strategic context

Use strategic perspective to tune into new opportunities in your fast-evolving reality – Fast, frequent SWOT analysis can help your team develop timely insights Please ...
Man walking along steps through storm - metaphor for motivation and force field analysis

#017 – Mapping Motivations

Understand the forces that shape the behaviours around you – Learn to better modify behaviours through forcefield analysis Why take this challenge? Gain greater insight ...
Picture of Whale Bones at Whitby - as symbol for fishbone diagram cause and effect

#018 – Diagnostic Bones – Fishbone Diagrams

Look deeper than what at first appears; help your team solve issues at their root Please help us to get the word out in just ...
Picture of someone timidly stepping onto rickety bridge - metaphor for tapping intuition

#019 – Clues in Timidity – Tapping Intuition

Tap into your intuition and use it to ensure a more secure footing – Use your subconscious to check whether your conscious has the whole ...
People pondering around a campfire on a beach - metaphor for hopes and concerns exercise

#020 – Campfire Truths

Discover where people are coming from and their expectations – Build greater awareness and ownership for the outcomes Why take this challenge? Clear the air ...
Picture of tree in mist with sun behind it reflecting a sense of mystery startpoints

#021 – Mystery Startpoints

Massively increase your creative options for finding novel ways forward – Use Brutethink to give your brain a real workout in making new connections Please ...
Image related to bringing the best version of yourself

#022 – Bringing the Best Version of Yourself

Creating a climate in which authenticity and creativity thrive – Being the person who makes the difference to your meetings Please help us to get ...
Ladder in water - metaphor for spotting adventures

#023 – Spotting Adventures

Open your mind to the wider potential of your environment – Use de Bono’s PMI tool to better identify new  possibilities Please help us to ...
Surrealistic scene of ripples on water - minding the ripples - metaphor for using the Solution Effect Diagram to map put implications

#024 – Minding the Ripples

Anticipate the full implications of your decisions ahead of time – Use the solution-effect diagram to accentuate the positive Please help us to get the ...
Image of someone seeing themselves in a shard of mirror - metaphor for self-reflection and ORID

#025 – Are you Seeing Yourself?

Take an adventure into your own thinking processes – Use ORID to improve how you engage with conflict Please help us to get the word ...
Coloured roller process - metaphor for Kanban

#026 – The Spirit of Shared Adventure?

Adventuring together through teamwork, support and a sense of progress – Using Kanban and daily standups to support each other’s individual adventures Please help us ...
Orb based image showing person looking back from climb - metaphor for after adventure review

#027 – Review

Ensure you maximise your team’s learning from each adventure – Use simple review tools to capture and reinforce new insights Please help us to get ...
Glass orb with image of roulette wheel to reflect the combination of excitement and randomness in this form of desk stretches exercises

#028 – Wheel Decide Desk Stretches

Use frequent physical stretching exercises to help keep you brain active – Try out the Wheeldecide/Bupa stretch combination for an easy solution Please help us ...
Glass orb image of man exploring woods in curious stance - metaphor for using questions to understand situations

#029 – Scouting the Terrain (Using Questions)

Develop your facilitative leadership skills – Provide empowering leadership through your choice of questions Please help us to get the word out in just two ...
Man and child walking along track - Image metaphor for self-coaching - Accessing your highest future potential

#030 – And I said to myself … Accessing your highest future potential

What advice might your future self give to your current self? – Using elements of Theory-U to listen to your ‘highest future potential’ Please help ...
Image of physical structure as metaphor for the use of matrices

#031 – Review your mental structures

Examine the patterns around you to identify new creative freedoms to add value – Create do-differently matrices between activities and goals Please help us to ...
#032 - Reflection in the breeze

#032 – Reflection in the breeze

Take space and time for your mind to ‘listen’ to what is going on around it – Arrange time, location, and environment for your mind ...
Image of person looking at themselves as illustration of triangulation reframing

#033 – Triangulate your Character

Use reframing to understand and reshape your impact and influence on those around you – O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us. To see ...
Image of person leaping wildly - metaphor for intentional diversity

#034 – Going Wild – Intentional Diversity

Bring your whole self to your work place – Make diversity matter in all of us Please help us to get the word out in ...
Picture of wolf, based on the two wolves story about feeding character

#035 – Two wolves – Feeding Character

Understand how your current activities and practices are feeding character – Use the story of the two wolves to better support your growth as an ...
Field of barley - convoluted link to habits via 'when (not) in Rome' and the final scene of Gladiator

#036 – No Longer in Rome – Changing Habits

Change habitual patterns to make you more effective in what you seek to do – Use simple techniques to break unwanted habits and create new ...
Picture of wisdom in human form

#037 – Wisdom – A word from the wise

Broaden the insight and creativity of your team – Use TED wisdom to stretch your thinking Please help us to get the word out in ...
Picture of dandelion seed head as a metaphor for sensing the wind

#038 – Sensing the Wind

Take time to observe the natural flow of things around you – Develop greater insight into how your team functions in practice Please help us ...
Image of boxer - metaphor for competing with yourself

#039 – Shadow Boxing – Competing with yourself

Deliberately sharpen your approach by competing with yourself. How would the best version of yourself apply for your role anew? Please help us to get ...
Bulb held over water and a metaphor for gaining new insights from problem sharing

#040 – Problem Sharing

Accelerate your progress to resolving conflict within or between teams – Reconsider how we see problems and our own part within them Please help us ...
Image of notes on a wall prior to silent sorting and creating an affinity diagram

#041 – Silent Sorting – Affinity Diagrams

Gain new insights into situations by allowing patterns to emerge – Use affinity diagrams to drive greater participation and ownership Please help us to get ...
modelling mastery - a picture of a master wood carver at work

#042 – Modelling Mastery

Set your own roadmap for working toward exemplary leadership – Use professional analogies to identify skills and practices you can develop Please help us to ...
Image of person thinking - reflecting on uncovering motivation

#043 – Uncovering Motivation

Increase your motivation by making clearer connections to your purpose – Use the Five Whys technique to gain new insight on your goals and how ...
adventurer sat on a peak - icon for guest adventurers

#044 – Guest Adventurers

Inspire your team meetings and foster creative outcomes through unusual perspectives – Use imaginary participation to induce novel perspectives Please help us to get the ...
Image of totem poles as a reflection of personal values

#045 – Carve your Totem – Define your values

Develop greater insight into your personal values and their role in influencing your thinking – Use modelling and metaphor to explore what is important to ...
Image of compass in glass orb - metaphor for setting direction

#046 – Compass Headings – Setting your Direction

Clarify the difference you want to make in this world – Build on the totem exercise to translate hope into action Please help us to ...
Leading by following - grainy video still in glass orb

#047 – The Courage to be Second – Leading by Following

Oftentimes change is more dependent on the first follower than the initiator – Confident humility can make the biggest difference Please help us to get ...
Camp customs - The power of ground rules

#048 – Camp customs – The power of ground rules

Strategically decide your team and meeting freedoms for best results – Develop your own ground-rules for ensuring healthy productive teamwork Please help us to get ...
Selecting Shore Parties - Using breakouts - Image courtesy Nextvoyage via Pexels

#049 – Selecting Shore Parties – Using Breakouts

Creatively organise meetings to utilise the power of different combinations – Structure & equip your breakouts for creative insight & ownership Please help us to ...
Person going to a remote cabin possibly for strategic reflection

#050 – Remote cabins – space for strategic reflection

Get some serious thinking time to prepare for the future you want – Organise a day-long meeting with yourself and no interruptions Please help us ...
Picture of people learning in an impoverished region of Kenya

Empowering the Disadvantaged: AI as a Catalyst for Change

What if a simple AI tool on a battered smartphone could transform livelihoods in the world’s poorest regions? – – – – – – – ...
Unleashing Intuition through situational self-leadership

The Adventurer’s Guide to Unleashing Intuition

Introduction: In an era defined by rapid change and complex challenges, the ability to blend rational analysis with intuitive insight is more crucial than ever ...
Unlocking the Hidden Value in Challenges: Developing Performance and Potential

Unlocking the Hidden Value in Challenges: Developing Performance and Potential

Are you missing out on half the potential value of tackling your most difficult challenges? Surprisingly, many organizations are! And the reason for this is ...