“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
Albert Pine
Thank you
I have been really blessed over the last few weeks with feedback from people.
Some have thrown themselves fully into the the different tracks on the Adventures, and been surprised and inspired by what emerged for them. Others have simply enjoyed thinking differently about things for a few moments, and glimpsing new perspectives.
I love the idea that I am able to touch people in this way. And gradually the numbers have grown by 2 or 3 people each week.
The intention
My goal all along was to create a simple helpful resource for people which:
- Gives them a short, much-needed, break in their Tuesday
- Exercises and develops their ability to see new perspectives
- Encourages natural responses of curiosity and creativity
- Through this, better equips people for the emerging future
- And helps maintain their mental well-being through change
As you know, I am concerned about how the changes in ‘work’ will impact mental health issues. Particularly those related to stress and depression.
These adventures may only be a small thing. But I believe that they help people adopt a healthier attitude to the changes that will face them. Attitudes of feeling a little bit more like an adventurer, and a little bit less like a victim. A sense of having a choice, and feeling a bit more in control. An increased awareness of the goodness in relationships. And a better balance, a better context, for the good that exists.
The issue – publicising adventure
Which is great, but …
Unfortunately there are many people out there who could benefit from these resources, but who don’t know that they exist.
I make them available on Linkedin to increase the likelihood of people finding them. However, like all social media tools, whether the resources get seen depends a lot on the first few people who interact with them.
And the reality for me is that most of the people I currently engage with don’t naturally seem to engage with social media. (For which I cannot blame them – I don’t either!).
The options
But this leaves me a choice. Simply blessing only those I can reach, or finding a simple strategy to reach more. And that is where I need your help.
It seems that publicising adventure is relatively quick and easy – if I have a little help from my friends. 10 seconds and two simple clicks from multiple people each week can have a big effect on who sees these resources. And that can help increase the positive potential they have for others.
Your two clicks can easily double the impact that I can achieve with my hours in writing the adventures in the first place. And the combined impact could literally change someone’s future.
The request – publicising adventure
So, beginning with the next post, each email will include a link to the same post on Linkedin.
All that is required is that you click the link, and then click the thumbs up Like symbol. (It appears just below the picture on the page that opens.)
Doing so causes Linkedin’s algorithm to look a little more favourably on whether other people will see the post. (‘Comments’ and ‘shares’ have even greater impact, but these take more time.)
If you could find it in your heart to get into the habit of those two little clicks, I’ll be eternally grateful.