Series 1 began on 5th January 2021 and completed on 25th January 2022. It has been a rich and varied exploration from a wide range of different perspectives. The full catalogue can be seen below.
If you have missed any of the adventures, you will (for the next few months at least) be able to access them from the adventures library.
What next?
I have been working on ideas for Series 2, and at some point I would like to launch another series of 50 adventures. If you have any ideas for inclusion in this please get in touch with me.
However, the current series of adventures represents a pretty comprehensive resource for anyone wishing to stretch and exercise their ‘leading by adventure’ muscles (see below). That said, I do not believe they are at their best as a library. I think they work better as a weekly programme. And so my intention, at some point, is to create a mailing service which people can initiate independently.
If you know of someone that would like to use this service, and would like to accelerate my development of it please get in touch.
In the meantime, I plan to refocus my efforts on the toolchest. To continue the work in helping people make their meetings and team work more participative, inclusive and uplifting. These resources also represent ‘leading by adventure’ – the facilitation of people to share new perspectives and develop new skill sets.
For that reason, if you have not done so already, I would suggest that you subscribe to the toolchest (it is free). This will enable you to keep updated and refreshed with new ways that you can inspire and energise your team.
Series 1 Catalogue

If you have missed any of the adventures, or would like to revisit them, you will (for the next few months at least) be able to access them from the adventures library.