Oftentimes change is more dependent on the first follower than the initiator – Confident humility can make the biggest difference
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Why take this challenge?
Work with others to support your values and make a difference
Develop your understanding of followership and think through strategies for it
Be sufficiently different to matter
In January 2001 The Harvard Business Review published an article by Jim Collins subtitled: The power of humility and fierce resolve. It is a groundbreaking paper that turned our view of what sort of person makes a brilliant CEO on its head.
In a nutshell, Jim Collins’ extensive research on the subject revealed that those who make the biggest, and most sustained, difference are those who support others to make things happen.
Derek Siver’s video ‘how to create a movement’ is a wonderful illustration of the ‘leading by following’ effect. The second person in the video makes the biggest difference, but its the first person that people will remember.
And that is humility. The willingness to do things that other people will get the glory for. To fall into someone else’s pattern but take the risks that increase its chances of success. And the resolve to keep doing it.
I wonder how many voices in the head of the second young man screamed at him ‘its not working’ and ‘give up before you look even more stupid’ and ‘its not even your idea’. And how much these voices sapped energy from his limbs and disrupted his flow? That is the potential sacrifice of leading by following.
Which brings us back again to values.
Are your values important enough to you to simply find and support others who are making them real?
+ Green track - taking it in your stride
+ Blue track - a bit of a workout (click to open)
+ Red track - stepping up to bat (click to open)
You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop
- The power of humility and fierce resolve.
- Derek Siver’s video on leading by following: ‘how to create a movement’
- Co-Active Leadership – The five styles
- (In Part) 1988 Harvard Business Review Article: In Praise of Followers
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