Take time to observe the natural flow of things around you – Develop greater insight into how your team functions in practice
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Why take this challenge?
Gain a meta-level perspective on the cultural dynamics in your team
Develop practical insights into how your team might develop self-management
Reduce wasted time and lost opportunity within your team’s interactions
When I first became a consultant, one of the things we were taught to do was to find opportunities to simply sit and observe what was going on with a fresh pair of eyes. To arrive early and sit in reception and develop a sense of how people interacted with each other and the receptionist as they came and went. And to gain a sense of the impression that was left. Or to take opportunities to sit quietly in meetings and in general meeting areas (such as canteens) sensing what was going on around us.
On many occasions this sensing time helped me to formulate really helpful questions that unearthed new insights and really helpful discussions.
But you don’t have to be new to an organisation to do this. You just have to bring new eyes to it. To try and see things from fresh perspectives and the minds of the people around you. To take time out from our normal day of working with things to just see how they lie naturally when we don’t do that.
And so, the adventure for this week is simply to take some time to watch and listen, ‘sensing the wind’. Forgive me, but there may well be a necessary element of subterfuge with this – but harmless, and with good intent.
+ Green track - taking it in your stride
+ Blue track - a bit of a workout (click to open)
+ Red track - stepping up to bat (click to open)
You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop
- Understanding meeting flow
- Questions to help provide insight into the dynamics of group meetings
- The meetings maturity model helps provide a framework for understanding how your meetings might improve
- Meetings toolchest provides a wealth of tools and ideas to support better meetings
To catch up on past adventures you may have missed, feel free to browse our Adventures Library
Let us know how you get on.
Share your experience, your insights and your observation using the comments section at the bottom of the Linkedin post.
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Useful links:
Adventures to date | I did it, but it didn’t work very well | How do I know if it is working
Bringing this thinking into your meetings | Adventure & Mental Health
Leading by Adventure community | Explore Strategic Support options