Orb based image showing person looking back from climb - metaphor for after adventure review

#027 – Review

Ensure you maximise your team’s learning from each adventure – Use simple review tools to capture and reinforce new insights

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The benefits of effective after-action review

Why take this challenge?

Maximise the potential of every experience for your future potential

Work with your team to increase its learning and growth

Establish a culture of continuous improvement through review


Graphic image reflecting different pathways to take the adventure

Einstein said “Once you stop learning, you start dying”.

Learning is our way of fully engaging with our life, its experiences, and its opportunities. It is how we embrace our situation and those around us. And also how we effect change in both.

If we simply let our lives pass by us, immune to its possibilities. Then, for that moment at least, we die. Conversely, we live to the extent that we embrace life and its potential. A wonderful vibrant symbiosis in which we shape each other’s destinies. And we shape life itself.

The 26 adventures to date have hopefully been part of that learning and living for you. Opportunities to engage different perspectives, and see the effect they have on you. But more than that, to see the effect that deliberately and routinely adopting new perspectives has on you.

But I wonder if you have been getting as much out of them as you could? Or indeed out of all of the other things that you are routinely engaging with?

Have you been reflecting on the learning that is actually available to you? Asking yourself questions that help to make full use of the insights available, and to reinforce them in a way that they are more accessible going forward.

That is what this week’s adventure is all about. The questions and the reflection that helps us better utilise the learning available.


Graphic image reflecting the idea of a Pack of resources to support the adventurer in the challenge

You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop

To catch up on past adventures you may have missed, feel free to browse our Adventures Library


Graphic image suggesting the idea of posting a record of the adventurer's journey

Let us know how you get on.
Share your experience, your insights and your observation using the comments section at the bottom of the Linkedin post.

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