Develop insights that will help you to improve the relationships around you – help others to move past their points of ‘stuckness’ simply by asking questions
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Why take this challenge?
Develop insights that will help you to improve the relationships around you
Help others to move past their points of ‘stuckness’ simply by asking questions
Form relationships that stretch you and better develop you for #futurework
The future of work is increasing rates of automation, change, complexity, uncertainty …
But to engage with that opportunity, we need to be able to cope with all of the rest. As AI and automation take over the routine in our roles, we will increasingly be left with the things that are not routine – basically our roles will revolve around change. Change in our circumstances, our tools, our roles. And change in our own expectations and those of others.
Key to coping with this will be learning and relationships. To be good at this stuff, we need to spend more time with people and ideas.
But unfortunately, busy-ness, uncertainty and complexity are driving us the other way. It is becoming harder to simply take time out for a chat, or to explore a new concept. But unless we do, we will fall behind, the busy-ness will increase, and we will fail to compete and fall into a spiral of decline.
So our adventure for this week is about taking a different perspective on reaching out to new people and new ideas. Seeing what things look like from the other side, and building our abilities (and hopefully our joy) in looking at things through someone else’s eyes.
+ Green track - taking it in your stride
+ Blue track - a bit of a workout (click to open)
+ Red track - stepping up to bat (click to open)
You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop
- Amazing TED Talk example from someone pulled out of hate by Integrative Complexity
- What does working toward Integrative Complexity look like in practice
To catch up on past adventures you may have missed, feel free to browse our Adventures Library
Let us know how you get on.
Share your experience, your insights and your observation using the comments section at the bottom of the Linkedin post.
Please help us to extend and develop our community by sharing what you are doing. Click on the links below where you are most active, and then like or share the article to your network. Thank you for helping.
- Share the Linkedin version of the challenge
- Tweet the challenge on Twitter
- Share your progress and insights with the Linkedin LbA community
And share your progress and insights with the Twitter LbA community using #leadingbyadventure
Useful links:
Adventures to date | I did it, but it didn’t work very well | How do I know if it is working
Bringing this thinking into your meetings | Adventure & Mental Health
Leading by Adventure community | Explore Strategic Support options