Glass orb - people on beach - getting to know someone better through their story and through walking and listening

#006 – Walk and Listen

Walk and Listen . Get to know someone better through their own story in their own words. Don’t let Covid constrain our working practice more than it has.

Why take this challenge?

Build better, closer understanding with the people ‘around’ you.

Recognise people in their own story and enjoy the privilege of sharing in that story.

Break out of the working patterns that Lockdown has imposed upon us.


Back when working life was more ‘normal’, I used to organise ‘Walk and Talk‘ activities for mixed groups of different clients in the Derbyshire Peaks.

They were always a huge success. There is something about the rhythm of walking that makes silence okay, and keeps the brain moving.

Recently, Dietmar Harteveld suggested a walk and talk to me – him walking in Yorkshire, and me in Essex, connected by our mobiles, and I have to say it worked great. It felt so good to be out of the house. And it felt like he was there keeping pace beside me.

And it prompted me to think of an Adventure that Miles Protter proposed to me at the start of all this, and the realisation that now, in the heart of the restrictions, will be perfect for it.

So this week’s adventure is about two things, both of which thumbs our nose at Covid: walking virtually with someone; and making a real human connection through listening to their story.


You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop

To catch up on past adventures you may have missed, feel free to browse our Adventures Library


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Inspired by Miles Protter, Steve Quinn, Dietmar Harteveld, and Jeremy Clare, and all of those who have helped me shape and trial Walk and Talk over the years:  Andrew Taylor, Andy Withers, Bev Shepherd, Bill Pigg, Bob Judd, Brian Holliday, Bryan Sargeant, Chandra Lodhia, Clare Holden, Dario Buccheri, Derek Silcock, Dilip Popat, Ian Winter, Jennifer Atkinson, Jeremy Clare, Jonathan Chappel, Juergen Maier, Malcolm Denham, Mark Holden, Mark Preston, Mark Richardson, Mark Savage, Martin Panak, Martin Stow, Mike Brown, Mike Clargo, Peter Desmond, Phil Ranson, Richard Warren, Robin Phillips, Russ Spargo, Sarah Amies, Simon Ormston, Steve Blakeman, Steve Watters, Wayne Tantrum, Wendy O’Sullivan, Zoe Keens