Broaden the insight and creativity of your team – Use TED wisdom to stretch your thinking
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Why take this challenge?
Introduce regular wisdom sessions into your team meetings
Stimulate creativity through broad insight from loosely related fields
Encourage your team to share what interests them
There is masses of free wisdom available through the internet. The issue for most of us is sifting the nuggets of pure gold from the mega-masses that aren’t. One really good way of doing that is to find sites that are consistently good at providing quality, and one such site is
The wisdom on TED ranges across a broad selection of topics, delivered eloquently in around 20 minutes by renowned experts in their field. One such talk (included in the Pack section below) is Tim Harford’s ‘A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity’. In it he explains how the greatest and most creative thinkers throughout time had interests in a wide range of disciplines.
As he puts it “It’s easier to think outside the box if you spend your time clambering from one box into another.” And this works also for us mere mortals; I too have found this fact to be true for me in my work.
+ Green track - taking it in your stride
+ Blue track - a bit of a workout (click to open)
+ Red track - stepping up to bat (click to open)
You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop
- Tim Harford’s ‘A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity’
- List of some of the most influential TED talks
To catch up on past adventures you may have missed, feel free to browse our Adventures Library
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Useful links:
Adventures to date | I did it, but it didn’t work very well | How do I know if it is working
Bringing this thinking into your meetings | Adventure & Mental Health
Leading by Adventure community | Explore Strategic Support options