Writing paper plane in a open sky as a metaphor for where words can transport you - verbal voyages

#013 – Verbal Voyages

Only say ‘Yes, and …’ and see what new perspectives await you – Give your curiosity a serious workout today!Header gif of a writing paper plane in a open sky as a metaphor for where words can transport you - verbal voyages

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Benefits of taking verbal voyages

Why take this challenge?

To practice plussing and develop the skills, language and reflexes of building on ideas

To explore the impact on people, situations and your own learning of sustaining the positive

To practice skills that challenge your team and help it grow in creativity and insight


Graphic image reflecting different pathways to take the adventure

I am grateful to Andy Denne for this week’s exercise. And I have to admit, it is going to be every bit as big a challenge on me as it will be on you.

You may have seen the film ‘Yes Day’ promoted recently, where two parents decide that for 24 yours they will only say ‘Yes’ and not ‘No’. Well this is not that, well not quite.

This is ‘yes’ day with responsibilities built in. It is ‘yes, and …’ day.  As in “Yes, and … to make that work effectively we need to find a way to … overcome this obstacle … or deal with these risks/consequences”. Not “No, because …”, nor even “Yes, but …” – For an entire 24 hours, only “Yes, and …”

“Yes and …” comes from the world improvisational comedy, but has great application to the world of business also. The challenge will be how quickly and creatively you can think about what else needs to happen to make what is suggested not only possible, but a good idea.

It is not about putting your reservations to one side, it is about embracing them and  turning them on their head to invite further creativity in how to deal with them. It is a really great skill set to have. It leads to new possibilities, innovation and adventure. It raises energy, grows ownership, and encourages vision and teamwork. It is about seeing and staying with possibilities long enough to fully explore their potential.

The interesting thing about human beings is that we mentally emphasise the downsides of new ideas. We see the risks many times faster and more clearly than we see the possibilities. And because of this we tend to write things off before we’ve had any real opportunity to fully explore their potential. We stifle innovation.

But innovation rarely comes as just one new idea. It usually needs a lot more smaller new ideas around it to make it work. And those supporting ideas take openness and a bit of time.

“Yes, and …” buys that time

So the challenge this week is to determine, to commit (because it does need resolve) to give “Yes, and …” a try. And to see where that takes you.


Graphic image reflecting the idea of a Pack of resources to support the adventurer in the challenge

You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop

To catch up on past adventures you may have missed, feel free to browse our Adventures Library


Graphic image suggesting the idea of posting a record of the adventurer's journey

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