Discover where people are coming from and their expectations – Build greater awareness and ownership for the outcomes
Why take this challenge?
Clear the air and understand where people might be coming from.
Understand any initial differences in expectations.
Build greater awareness and ownership for the outcomes.
Simply build a shared understanding, a shared hope.
This weeks challenge for you and your team is called Hopes and Concerns.
At one level Hopes and Concerns is extremely simple. It is a flipchart divided down the middle, and people place their hopes on one side and their concerns on the other.
Hopes and concerns for what? Well it could be for anything: A meeting; the week ahead; a new project; the business; a change initiative – whatever.
However, its simplicity belies its power. Hopes and concerns is a great tool for: Aligning people behind objectives; surfacing hidden agendas; developing balanced perspectives; understanding each other; building ownership and getting things started.
If you are using a virtual whiteboard in your meeting, people can stick up their thoughts on sticky-notes, and then they can be grouped and discussed. Alternatively, you can use a virtual flipchart to capture contributions offered by the group verbally.
A couple of important tips that help ensure the quality of this exercise:
- To get balanced contributions, get people to write down two of each silently, and confirm they have all done so before inviting them to stick them up or shout them out
- Say to the group: “We’ll keep these visible so that we can all work toward fulfilling the hopes and avoiding the concerns”. In this way you share responsibility for them and make the desired outcomes more likely
Also, it there are any items on either list that you will not be able to do anything about. Simply make that clear from the outset, and say that we can pick it up again after the meeting.
+ Green track - taking it in your stride
+ Blue track - a bit of a workout (click to open)
+ Red track - stepping up to bat (click to open)
You may find the following resources helpful in tackling your challenge or in gaining further benefits from the skills and insights you develop
- Explanation of Hopes & Concerns
- Hopes and concerns virtual flipchart – PowerPoint file
- Whiteboard template for Hopes & Concerns – Conceptboard
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Useful links:
Adventures to date | I did it, but it didn’t work very well | How do I know if it is working
Bringing this thinking into your meetings | Adventure & Mental Health
Leading by Adventure community | Explore Strategic Support options